Be the Hope!

A year ago, I could not have imagined that we would be entering 2022 continuing to battle the impacts of COVID-19. Every day we see the detrimental effects and continuous burdens that are placed on our education system, resulting from this pandemic and a lack of opportunity to just breathe. At a time like this, I am reminded that it is crucial that we continue to serve all students, especially those of marginalized identities. Having a healthy life and work balance is fundamental as we must continue to focus on taking the best care of ourselves that we can. Recently, I have spent a significant amount of time reflecting on how our organization can be a stronger partner to benefit the educators and students that we serve.

There is no doubt about it, throughout the past two years, many challenges have brought us to the brink of exhaustion and demanded an overload of physical and emotional stress. With that said, I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m reminded of a quote that states “when all seems hopeless, you are the hope.” And that’s my message for you. 

We all became educators to be that spark, to be that inspiration, to be the hope for the ones who come to us and oftentimes show up hopeless. You are so necessary for the betterment of our future humanity and for the young lives that truly depend on you. May this new year be filled with joy, peace, and success however you deem it to be. Your presence matters, your words matter, your smile matters.  

Be the hope!

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